







Battling Stubborn Belly Fat? Struggling to Shed Those Extra Pounds? Your Weight Loss Struggle Ends Here. 

Person pinching the skin and fat on their side.

Battling Stubborn Belly Fat? Struggling to Shed Those Extra Pounds? Your Weight Loss Struggle Ends Here. 

You've been doing all the right things. You’re looking for the right solutions.

But despite your best efforts, that stubborn belly fat persists, and those love handles and flabby underarms refuse to transform into lean muscle.

It's frustrating, and you're not alone. The truth is, most of us face the same issue, especially as they age.

Truth about aging:

#1 Fat Accumulates Faster & Moves to the Wrong Places

Once you hit 40, hormonal fluctuations cause a natural shift in fat distribution. Suddenly, even the most active men and women notice unwanted fat accumulation around their abdomen, hips, and waist.

#2 You’re Losing Muscle Mass at an Alarming Rate

Once you hit 40, hormonal fluctuations cause a natural shift in fat distribution. Suddenly, even the most active men and women notice unwanted fat accumulation around their abdomen, hips, and waist.

#3 Metabolism Comes to a Halt

Your body isn’t burning calories like it used to. By the time you're 40, your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) has hit a record low. Increased fat and less muscle reduce calorie burning, contributing to further weight gain. 

The diet dilemma:

Diets often fail because they’re not sustainable. They leave you feeling deprived, hungry, and frustrated, leading to the infamous yo-yo effect. Even worse, strict dieting can actually put your body into slow motion. Research shows that severe calorie restriction causes your body to adapt by burning hundreds of fewer calories each day. This metabolic adaptation creates weight loss plateaus and makes it nearly impossible to lose pounds in the desired timeframe.

Exercise Isn’t Enough:

While exercise is crucial for overall health, studies show that moderate-intensity aerobic exercise alone typically produces little to no weight loss. Since 100% of the calories we consume come from food, only 10-30% can be burned off through exercise. To ramp up your metabolism and fuel weight loss, you need to build muscle. However, as you age, building muscle becomes increasingly difficult, regardless of how much weight-bearing exercise you do.

This Time, It’s Going to Be Different – 

Because This Time, You Have

BioTRUST logo with 'Bio' in blue and 'TRUST' in green.

This Time, It’s Going to Be Different – Because This Time, You Have

BioTRUST logo with 'Bio' in blue and 'TRUST' in green.

At BioTRUST, we understand the struggle. That’s why we’ve created a line of products that work together to help you overcome the challenges of fat loss and muscle building as you age. At the heart of it, what sets us apart is that you’re not just buying products; you’re joining a community dedicated to your success.

As seen on

'Blue FOX logo on a transparent background.'NBC logo with colorful peacock design and text.'ABC logo in black and white.'Red logo of 'The Sun' newspaper.Daily Mail logo with text and a crest.
A row of five gold stars indicating a 5-star rating.

Trusted by millions:

A row of five gold stars indicating a 5-star rating.

We’ve helped over 2,000,000 customers achieve their health goals.

Unmatched Customer Service

Our customer service team is always here to help. We pride ourselves on our NPS score of over 80%, placing us in the top 1% of brands worldwide.

VIP Community

Join our supportive community, where you can participate in health challenges, share your journey, and get tips and motivation from others.

Unmatched Customer Service

Our expert coaches, like Coach Tim and Coach Cristina, provide personalized guidance and support to help you achieve your goals.

Man wearing a black 'BoRUST Nutrition' shirt smiling in front of a white background.

Tim Skwiat, M.Ed.

Head of Scientific Affairs at BioTRUST with over 20 years of experience in nutrition and exercise science, Coach Tim is dedicated to developing scientifically-backed supplements that work. 

Man wearing a black 'BoRUST Nutrition' shirt smiling in front of a white background.

Cristina Powell

Metabolic Effect L3 Nutrition Consultant and Precision Nutrition L2 nutrition Coach, Cristina’s passion is to help others discover how great their bodies feel through healthy eating and an active lifestyle.

BioTRUST is committed to supporting you every step of the way with our top-notch products and unparalleled community support. Together, we can achieve your health goals.

Just Like So Many Others, You Will Get There

Three-photo collage showing a woman's weight loss journey before and after.

Imagine this: You’re looking in the mirror and loving what you see. The stubborn belly fat is gone, replaced by lean muscle. You feel stronger, more energetic, and more confident than ever. With BioTRUST this can be your reality.

Feel the Confidence

Side-by-side comparison of a man showing body transformation over three months.

Feel the Confidence

Walk into any room with your head held high, knowing you look and feel your best. Picture yourself fitting into clothes that haven’t fit in years, receiving compliments from friends and family, and feeling a renewed sense of self-esteem.

Experience the Energy

Woman flexing her bicep and smiling while standing in a fenced outdoor space.

Experience the Energy

Keep up with your kids, crush your workouts, and enjoy life to the fullest with newfound energy. Imagine waking up each morning excited for the day ahead, having the stamina to power through your workday, and still having the energy to enjoy your evenings.

Enjoy the Journey

Enjoy the Journey

With BioTRUST, you’re not alone. Our community and expert support are with you every step of the way. Visualize being part of a supportive group that motivates you, access to live coaching sessions with Coach Tim and Coach Cristina, and the reassurance that you have a team dedicated to your success.

Why BioTRUST Works – It’s Not Magic, It’s Science

Creating a BioTRUST formula is an exhaustive journey of perfection. Our team of experts spends countless hours researching, testing, and refining each product. From initial concept to final product, every step is taken with utmost care to ensure the formula is just right. This rigorous process means our supplements deliver consistent, reliable results you can trust.

At BioTRUST, our core values guide every step of our formulation process:

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Premium, Clean Ingredients

We source only the best ingredients from trusted suppliers, ensuring purity, potency, and proven efficacy.

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Scientific Validation

Our products are based on cutting-edge research, supported by clinical trials and expert collaborations to ensure effectiveness and safety.

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Synergistic Formulas

Our supplements are designed to work harmoniously with your body’s natural processes, combining ingredients in optimal ratios for comprehensive support.

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Transparency and Integrity

We provide clear, comprehensive labels listing every ingredient and its purpose, ensuring you know exactly what you’re putting into your body.

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Meticulous Development & Testing Process

Each formula undergoes rigorous testing and refinement, guaranteeing a product that delivers consistent, reliable results. On average, a BioTRUST product takes 18-24 months to get to market, reflecting our commitment to excellence.

With BioTRUST, you’re not just taking supplements; you’re investing in clean ingredients and a scientifically-backed approach to health and wellness that’s designed to help you achieve your best self.

Transform Your Body: Build Lean Muscle and Melt Away Belly Fat

As we age, our bodies face an uphill battle in maintaining, let alone building, muscle mass and shedding fat from troublesome areas like the belly, hips, thighs, and arms.

It can often feel like a losing battle—clothes get tighter, the scale keeps climbing, self-esteem plummets, and weight-related health concerns start swirling in your head.

However, with the right combination of scientifically-backed ingredients, you can effectively combat these changes and reclaim your vitality and confidence.

Understanding the Challenge:

Graph showing a red line decreasing with age, from 30 to 60.

Natural Muscle Loss

Starting as early as age 30, our bodies begin to lose muscle mass at an alarming rate of up to 8% per decade. By the time you reach 55, you could have lost up to 20% of your muscle mass, and it only escalates from there. This loss of muscle means our bodies burn fewer calories at rest, making it easier to gain weight, especially around the belly.

Shifting Fat Cells

Person pinching abdominal skin and fat.

Shifting Fat Cells

The amount of body fat steadily increases after age 30. Older adults may have nearly one-third more fat compared to when they were younger. Hormonal changes, impacting both men and women, cause fat to be stored in more problematic areas such as the abdomen, hips, and waist.

Changing Fat Cells Behavior

Person pinching abdominal skin and fat.

Changing Fat Cells Behavior

Different types of fat cells behave differently. While white visceral fat stores energy, beige fat burns calories. Unfortunately, aging makes it harder for our bodies to convert white fat into energy-burning beige fat. But you don't have to accept these changes as inevitable. There are powerful tools at your disposal to help counteract these effects and achieve the body you desire.

The Solution: BioTRUST’s Dual Action Trim & Tone Duo

Two BioTRUST supplement containers on a blue background.

Introducing BioTRUST’s specially formulated dual-action bundle designed to address these exact challenges: MetaboBoost and Ageless Muscle. These two products work synergistically, providing you with the ultimate tools to boost your metabolism, burn fat, and build lean muscle.

MetaboBoost targets the issues of Fat Distribution Shifts and Fat Cells Behavior:

Green circle with the text '#1' in white.

Targets Fat Stores

MetaboBoost promotes fat breakdown in troublesome areas like your midsection, hips, thighs, waist, and underarms, helping you drop 5x more inches than dieting alone.

A green circle with the number two in the center.

Boosts Metabolism

By converting calorie-storing white fat into calorie-burning beige fat, MetaboBoost increases your energy expenditure all day long—even at rest. You can burn up to an extra 180 calories a day.

Green circle with white text “#3” inside.

Enhances Energy Levels

By promoting more efficient fat utilization, MetaboBoost helps you feel more energetic and vibrant throughout the day.

Powered by Plant-Based Clinically-Studied Ingredients:

Sliced blood orange with green leaves on a wooden surface.


A clinically-studied blend of citrus polyphenols from grapefruit, sweet orange, and blood orange. Sinetrol ignites lipolysis, the breakdown of fat while also triggering adipose, the process of transforming white visceral fat into energy-burning powerhouse cells. Sinetrol is particularly effective in tackling stubborn fat deposits in problematic areas. Clinical studies show Sinetrol leads to 7x greater weight loss than diet alone.

Chunks of shiny metallic mineral stones on a white background.


Enhances metabolism and supports healthy blood sugar levels, making it easier to manage weight and energy levels, tackling the metabolic slowdown caused by muscle loss.

Branch with red berries and green leaves against a blurred green background.


Activates AMPK, a key enzyme that regulates metabolism, promoting the conversion of stored fat into energy, addressing the problem of inefficient fat utilization.

By altering the morphology of fat cells and elevating metabolic rates, MetaboBoost doesn't just spark change—it facilitates enduring, sustainable results.

Ageless Muscle addresses the issue of Natural Muscle Loss

While MetaboBoost takes care of fat breakdown and metabolic enhancement, Ageless Muscle focuses on building lean muscle mass that is crucial for a healthy metabolism, as well as to help you look toned.

Green circle with the text '#1' in white.

Builds New Lean Muscle

Ageless Muscle is designed to rebuild lost muscle, even without increasing your workout. Experience a 3x increase in muscle mass without additional exercise.

A green circle with the number two in the center.

Fights Muscle Breakdown

Ageless Muscle combats muscle breakdown and promotes muscle recovery, helping you maintain the muscle you've gained.

Green circle with white text “#3” inside.

Boosts Strength

Strength decreases at 1.5 times the rate of muscle mass. Ageless Muscle is designed to boost strength by up to 130%, pushing your workouts to be more effective.

With age, exercise may not be enough to build muscle. The body needs key muscle building nutrients.

Ageless Muscle combines the 4 key muscle building nutrients into an easy to take daily powder:

A scoop of white powder above a glass of water.


Supported by over 50 clinical-studies, myHMB has been shown to  enhance muscle growth and inhibit muscle breakdown, ensuring you maintain and build muscle mass, which in turn helps regulate fat distribution.

Brown bottle of white powder, with some spilled and a measuring spoon filled.

Micronized Creatine

A naturally occurring compound that fuels the phosphagen system, crucial for maintaining muscles as you age. Creatine works synergistically with HMB, resulting in greater lean muscle building, critical to fueling metabolism.

Hands reaching towards the sun during a sunset.

Vitamin D3

Essential for muscle function and overall health, Vitamin D3 improves muscle size and strength even without exercising. A groundbreaking double-blind, placebo-controlled study found combining myHMB with Vitamin D can increase lean muscle mass by up to 133% and functional capacity by 400%—even without hitting the gym!

Whole and sliced beetroots on a white background.


Boosts muscle endurance and performance, allowing you to push harder and recover faster, aiding in muscle maintenance and growth.

Why This Duo?

Two Biotrust supplement containers on a blue background: Ageless Muscle and MetaboBoost.

Combining MetaboBoost and Ageless Muscle provides a comprehensive approach to achieving your weight goals. While MetaboBoost enhances your metabolism and burns fat, Ageless Muscle ensures that you maintain and build lean, calorie-burning muscle mass. This synergistic effect not only helps you shed unwanted pounds but also supports a strong and toned physique. By taking these products in tandem, you maximize the benefits of both, creating a powerful and effective weight loss and muscle-building regimen.

Ready to Start Your Transformation?

Your journey to a leaner, stronger you begins with the right support. With BioTRUST's Trim & Tone Duo, you have everything you need to succeed.

 Our scientifically-backed formulas are designed to work together, ensuring you get the most out of your efforts.

Transform Your Body with the Trim & Tone Duo

Imagine the new, confident you – free from stubborn belly fat and brimming with lean muscle. How much would that transformation be worth to you? Many turn to expensive weight loss drugs and GLP-1 medications, which can cost thousands, if not tens of thousands, of dollars over time. But what if there were a more natural, affordable, and effective solution?

At BioTRUST, we’ve spent years perfecting our formulas. We only use the highest-quality ingredients to ensure the best results. While these natural solutions aren’t cheap, they offer a healthier alternative to costly pharmaceuticals. Typically, our products sell for $49 per unit. But we believe in making the BioTRUST experience accessible to everyone.

We want you to feel energized, confident, and proud of your body. And because we’ve experienced overwhelming demand for these products, leading to occasional supply issues, it’s wise to stock up now to ensure your regimen is uninterrupted.

And here’s the best part – if you stock up today, we’re offering unbeatable discounts exclusively available through this page. 

Here’s what you get:

Bottle of BioTRUST MetaboBoost in the front pocket of blue jeans.


Boost your metabolism, burn fat, and stay energized.

A container of BioTrust Ageless Muscle powder with a wooden bowl of powder beside it.

Ageless Muscle

Build lean muscle, increase strength, and speed up recovery.

Together, these products provide the perfect combination to help you achieve your fitness goals.

Ready to Start Your Transformation?

Your journey to a leaner, stronger you begins with the right support. With BioTRUST's Trim & Tone Duo, you have everything you need to succeed.

 Our scientifically-backed formulas are designed to work together, ensuring you get the most out of your efforts.

Today's Exclusive One-Time Offer

Save up to 60% OFF!


Biotrust Ageless Muscle supplement and MetaboBoost capsules shown side by side.Save 40% and free shipping starburst-shaped sticker.'Choose from two delicious flavors badge with blue and green accents.'



(SAVE $39!)

Visceral fat starts melting

Start feeling stronger & more energized

Metabolism fires up

Choose your Ageless Muscle Flavor

Every order is protected by our Naturally Honest


BioTRUST Ageless Muscle and MetaboBoost supplement jars with labels facing front.
Yellow starburst graphic with 'Save 50% & Free Shipping' in red and black text.



(SAVE $147!)

Drop up to 2 sizes

Visibly less belly fat

Notice more muscle

Choose your Ageless Muscle Flavor

Every order is protected by our Naturally Honest


Multiple containers of BioTrust Ageless Muscle and MetaBooster dietary supplements.
'Yellow starburst graphic promoting 60% savings and free shipping.'



(SAVE $354!)

Continued calorie burning

Increased muscle & strength, without exercising

Lasting results

Choose your Ageless Muscle Flavor

Every order is protected by our Naturally Honest

Why Choose BioTRUST?

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Top-Quality Ingredients

Each product is formulated with the highest-quality ingredients backed by science.

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No Fillers, Just Results

We don’t skimp on quality. Every ingredient is chosen for its proven effectiveness.

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Trusted by Millions

Join over 2 million satisfied customers who have transformed their lives with BioTRUST.

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Community and Support

Gain access to our VIP community and expert coaches to support you every step of the way.

And as if that wasn't enough, we'll even pay all the additional shipping & handling costs for you so you won't have to worry about that. Huge discounts, plus FREE shipping. Now that's a great deal!

What’s more, your entire order is backed by our 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee so you can try BioTRUST products today with complete confidence and no obligation.

BioTRUST’s Trim & Tone Duo is one of the most important steps you can take to support your health and wellness. Secure your discounted supply below.

This exclusive offer won’t last long. Take action now and transform your body with BioTRUST’s Trim & Tone Duo! 

© 2024 BioTRUST. All Rights Reserved. Offer ID: 1433


© 2024 BioTRUST. All Rights Reserved. Offer ID: 1433