Secure Your Supply of Ageless BodySecure Your Supply of Ageless Body

You've certainly heard of turmeric, right?

The older you are, in fact, the more likely it's caught your attention and for good reason…

Many health experts now agree that consuming turmeric can be very beneficial to renew and revitalize how you look and feel.

After all, because of its fast and seemingly miraculous "Fountain of Youth" benefits, turmeric has been revered since ancient times in India, China, the Middle East, and even Hawaii.

You see, the ancients understood that it's not getting older that strikes fear in people… it's the fear of looking old and feeling old!

And in the last 20 years alone, more than 2,000 peer-reviewed scientific articles have appeared in the National Institutes of Health PubMed database. These provide convincing evidence of the many potential benefits that turmeric – and curcumin, the powerful compound in turmeric – provides you in terms of looking and feeling your very best!1

Now, what makes turmeric so fast and effective isn't really a miracle, of course…

Many experts believe the lion's share of benefits can, indeed, be tracked to curcumin, the rare golden-colored polyphenol found in the turmeric root. This polyphenol can increase the antioxidant capacity of the body and promote healthy inflammation levels, in turn providing powerful support for…2,3

  • Young-looking skin
  • Peak energy
  • Healthy, flexible joints
  • A clear and focused brain
  • Low stress and a good mood
  • Healthy eyes
  • A healthy heart
  • A robust immune system

Here's the PROBLEM Though…

Although there is no shortage of turmeric/curcumin supplements in stores and online…

Some of them may provide very little benefit to your body, if any at all.

Yes, this is even true of the "liquid liposomal turmeric" that some have promoted as the top source available and the so-called "gold standard" turmeric + black pepper preparations.

Recent research has revealed that the curcumin found in some supplements today has poor "absorbability" in your body.

To quote directly from a recent study published in the Nutrition Journal, "The potential health benefits of curcumin are limited by its poor solubility, low absorption from the gut, rapid metabolism, and rapid systemic elimination."4

In fact, it could take FORTY-SIX 250mg capsules of today's standard curcumin to obtain the powerful age-defying benefits noted above!4

The Good News, With One Important Caveat

Woman One Important Caveat

It may seem quite frustrating that, in theory, the curcumin in turmeric can provide your body fountain-of-youth-like effects…

But in fact, because of the poor absorbability with typical curcumin, you might not actually experience those benefits.

However, there's actually REALLY good news…

Research shows that you can increase the body's absorption of curcumin by up to 46 TIMES versus standard curcumin.4

That means – in terms of your skin, energy, moods, joints, brain, heart, and immune system – you really can renew and revitalize the way you look and feel and enjoy the benefits of curcumin!

HOWEVER – this is only IF you consume the right types of turmeric/curcumin.

CurcuWIN Ultrasol

The One Essential Type of Curcumin You Need

Point blank: If you don't absorb curcumin – and all the other beneficial compounds found in turmeric – you may very well be missing out on various expected health benefits.

Now, the addition of black pepper extract has been shown to modestly increase the bioavailability of curcumin.

However, while that's a small step in the right direction, research shows that, compared to standard curcumin and other popular curcumin formulations, a different natural enhancement technology can actually:

  • Dramatically enhance curcumin absorption in the body
  • Keep levels of this powerful compound elevated in the body longer

That's right – this turmeric supercharger leads to better AND longer-lasting curcumin action.

The key lies in the novel, powerful "UltraSOL Nutrient Delivery System."

This is a patented natural technology that combines a pristine turmeric extract – which provides curcumin as well as all the other curcumin-like compounds (called curcuminoids), precisely as Mother Nature intended – with natural antioxidants in a water-soluble carrier.

You see, powders like turmeric extracts typically "clump" when they're combined with liquids, especially water. (And as you probably remember from high-school biology, your body is 60% water.)

This "clumping" reduces functionality and your ability to tap into all the amazing compounds in turmeric.

UltraSOL was specifically geared to address this problem – and more importantly, the difficult absorption with curcumin – by actually increasing the dispersibility of curcuminoids (which also tend to clump when dried) allowing for enhanced bioavailability.

So, what does this mean in clear and direct terms?

The UltraSOL curcumin enhancement system solves the big absorption problem by increasing solubility – which, therefore, may preserve curcumins' actions in the body.

And that means an open door to results!

Considering how the UltraSOL Nutrient Delivery System increases bioavailability, it's only fitting that the formulation featuring this system be called CurcuWIN®.

Woman by mirror

The FACTS on CurcuWIN®'s FAR GREATER Absorbability Versus Other "Respectable" Curcumin Forms

How much of a difference in absorption in the body does CurcuWIN®, featuring the UltraSOL Nutrient Delivery System, actually make?

You see, in a study published in the Nutrition Journal, an esteemed group of researchers set out to compare the bioavailability of four different curcumin formulations in a gold-standard, randomized, double-blind, crossover fashion involving healthy human volunteers.4

The four different curcumin formulations included:

  • A typical curcumin extract (CS) like you'd find in most turmeric products
  • Micronized curcuminoids combined with the essential oils of turmeric (CTR)
  • Curcumin with phytosome technology (CP), which involves chemical interactions between phospholipids and curcumin to increase absorption
  • Curcumin with UltraSOL Nutrient Delivery System (CurcuWIN®)

The researchers found that the UltraSOL Nutrient Delivery System resulted in 46 TIMES greater absorption compared to typical curcumin you'd buy online or at the store and 35 TIMES greater absorption than CTR.

Can you imagine having to take 46 pills instead of just one powerful pill each day?

And what about in comparison to the phytosome technology (CP) noted above and often cited as a top type of curcumin?

Well, UltraSOL once again reigned victorious with nearly 6 TIMES greater absorption. This graph tells the story even better than words:

Side by side absorption comparisonCurcuWIN absorption chart

And here's something else important…

Not only did UltraSOL lead to greater absorption, it also resulted in levels of curcuminoids remaining elevated for longer periods of time compared to the other preparations.

In fact, CurcuWIN® featuring the UltraSOL Nutrient Delivery System leads to significantly elevated levels of curcuminoids for up to 12 hours over others!

absorption figures

And What About CurcuWIN® Versus Turmeric + Black Pepper and Liquid Liposomal Curcumin?

Of course, you may be wondering about turmeric/curcumin + black pepper, which has also often been touted as a gold-standard combo for this ancient herb.

Well, a recent peer-reviewed paper analyzing the acute bioavailability of 11 different curcumin-based formulations from human clinical trials found that, in terms of relative bioavailability CurcuWIN® is 6.8 TIMES better absorbed than turmeric/curcumin extracts seasoned with black pepper.5

This same study noted above also revealed that CurcuWIN® outshines liquid liposomal curcumin with 36% greater absorption in healthy human volunteers.

In other words, based on published reports, CurcuWIN® has been shown to be a highly bioavailable form of curcumin, and what that means to you is long-lasting, optimal support for outstanding results.

It also means, that the science supports CurcuWIN's efficacy at far lower amounts.6,7

CurcuWIN sources

One More BIG Benefit of CurcuWIN®

As awesome as curcumin is, it's not the only big-game player in turmeric.

Curcumin is actually just one of the three "curcuminoids" in turmeric.

The other two have scientific-sounding names, demethoxycurcumin, and bisdemethoxycurcumin…

And what you need to know is that these other curcuminoids are essential for tapping into the benefits of the curcumin and may offer powerful health benefits of their own. It's like getting 3 products for the price of 1!

And that leads to another key difference with CurcuWIN®: it contains a minimum of 20% curcuminoids in the same profile as found naturally in turmeric.

And if we've learned anything, it's that we shouldn't mess with Mother Nature.

Meanwhile, some curcumin extracts out there only contain curcumin isolates, which means you're missing out on the full menu of benefits this ancient herb offers.

CurcuWIN® is, in other words, an essential ingredient if you want to truly experience curcumin's age-defying benefits.

Getting the Curcumin You Need from Food Alone Is (Really) Hard

So, wait… what about trying to get all the curcumin you need from food sources, such as the turmeric you find on spice shelves in stores or even fresh turmeric?

Well, first of all, you'd have to eat a LOT of it – like every single day.

How much, you ask?

Consider that dry turmeric powder is only about 3% curcumin by weight. That means to get a typical dose of 500mg of curcumin, you'd have to consume over 16 GRAMS of turmeric powder, which equates to about 4 teaspoons!

If you've ever tried adding turmeric powder to recipes, but a little bit goes a LONG way when it comes to taste.

If you're seeking a turmeric that actually provides your body all of curcumin's benefits, the bottom line – one more time – is to make certain it lists CurcuWIN® on the label.

What Can Limit the Effectiveness of Curcumin? 4 Keys to Be Aware Of

To reiterate the major problem with curcumin, "The potential health benefits of curcumin are limited by its poor solubility, low absorption from the gut, rapid metabolism and rapid systemic elimination."4

Let's briefly break these down into layman's terms:

Poor solubility

1) Poor solubility: This means, in its typical state, turmeric does not mix well with fluids such as those inside the body.

Low absorption

2) Low absorption from the gut: In part because of its poor solubility, the human digestive system does not absorb typical turmeric/curcumin well.

Rapid Metabolism

3) Rapid metabolism: Typical turmeric is also too-rapidly metabolized in the body, which again means the body is actually utilizing very few of the benefits.

Rapid systemic elilmination

4) Rapid systemic elimination: In short, this means that some turmeric/curcumin supplements – even those that can cost $60 or more per bottle – can be eliminated from the body FAR too quickly to experience any real effects.

Beware This Additional Drawback

You now know how important it is to be certain the turmeric/curcumin you choose has high bioavailability, and that the UltraSOL Nutrient Delivery System resulted in 46 TIMES greater absorption compared to many typical curcumin products.

HOWEVER, you also want to be certain that the turmeric/curcumin supplement you choose does NOT contain herbicide and pesticide residues or artificial ingredients.

It’s also important to confirm that the supplement manufacturer does third-party testing to ensure their product is truly clean and safe from impurities.

Ageless Body bottle and capsules

The GREAT News:
You Finally Can Get the Highly Absorbable Form of Turmeric, CurcuWIN®, In One Clean, Independently Tested Formula

So, with so many people worried about looking and feeling years or decades older than they should, you now know that many health experts hold turmeric in high regard for its potential "fountain of youth"-like benefits.

You now also know, though, that the "devil's in the details" because turmeric/curcumin is extremely non-bioavailable – it's very hard for your body to absorb and actually utilize to your benefit.

What's more, some turmeric/curcumin supplement manufacturers do NO 3rd party testing to ensure potency and purity.

That has presented a BIG challenge for people to actually experience the age-defying benefits of turmeric…

Until now.

But the scientific team here at BioTRUST, America's premier online nutrition brand, worked hard for over a year-and-a-half to provide you the IDEAL turmeric supplement, and it's available today with a special introductory offer you'll see only on this page.

It's called Ageless Body, and over 1 million bottles have been sold worldwide to enthusiastic customers who are just like you…

YES, it provides you a full 250 mg per serving of CurcuWIN®, the highly bioavailable, rigorously researched and patented turmeric utilizing the UltraSOL Nutrient Delivery System that provides up to 46 TIMES MORE curcumin absorption in your body.4

YES, it is non-GMO… it's free of the toxic solvent EDC… and it is independently lab tested to ensure this potency and purity.

That means a powerful ability to provide you all the benefits you want in your turmeric!

PLUS, Ageless Body goes yet another step beyond, or actually 4 steps beyond, because it also provides you four additional ingredients for anti-aging and longevity…

Nature's 4 Other Ingredients to Support Young-Looking Skin, Youthful Energy, a Youthful Body and Brain Health

If Ageless Body just contained CurcuWIN®, the ultra-absorbable form of curcumin utilizing the UltraSOL Nutrient Delivery System, you'd enjoy outstanding anti-aging benefits.

However, in terms of your skin… energy… joints… brain… moods… and more…

With Ageless Body, we set out to provide you the ultimate "Fountain of Youth" support supplement, and with over 1 million bottles sold and counting, it's clear we succeeded.

And that's why, in addition to CurcuWIN®, each serving of Ageless Body also provides your body…

#1) Sensoril®, the "Feel Young" Ashwagandha Ingredient

Ashwagandha is the famous "feel good" herb used in India for over 5000 years to promote healthy stress levels, boost mood and stamina, support a healthy brain, promote healthy sleep and sexual function. The multi-patented form of Ashwagandha known as Sensoril® contains pure, bioactive constituents. Clinically tested in more than 10 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled human studies, Sensoril® Ashwagandha has earned a reputation as a powerful adaptogen that provides support for stress, focus, energy, anti-aging and more.

#2) Setria® Glutathione, the Attractive "Youthful Glow" Ingredient

Glutathione – your body's "master antioxidant" – is a key secret behind an attractive "youthful glow" and a healthy immune sytem. Unfortunately, your glutathione levels drop with age. In fact, researchers in at least one study found that levels of glutathione in the body declined roughly 7% per decade. By the time you're middle aged, you may only have half of what you need. Via a proprietary and patented fermentation process, Setria® glutathione, which has been shown to help elevate glutathione levels starting at doses of 250mg per day, provides antioxidant, detoxification and anti-aging support.8 Ageless Body was a natural fit for this truly amazing age-defying ingredient!

#3) CoQ10, the "Youthful Energy" Ingredient

Coenzyme Q10 is an all-star antioxidant that's a component of a healthy heart and healthy mitochondrial function – the "energy power plants" of your body's cells. The more energy the mitochondria produce, the younger and more energetic you feel. As you get older, though, these mitochondria decrease in number and efficiency, by an average of 8% each decade.9 So, supplementing with a pure, stable, and absorbable form of CoQ10 is important if you want that youthful energy as you age – and that's precisely what you get with Ageless Body.

#4) Magnesium Ascorbate, the "Anti-Old-Looking-Skin" Ingredient

This unique, buffered form of Vitamin C can provide a powerful shield against future signs of aging. In addition to its powerful antioxidant properties, Vitamin C is also essential to the formation of collagen, which gives skin strong stability and support, also helps with the appearance of wrinkles and even loose-looking skin.

YES, it really is like getting 5 of nature's 5 anti-aging ingredients for the price of one, and it's SIMPLE to do… just take 2 Ageless Body capsules daily!

Best of All, It's From BioTRUST

BioTRUST is America's premier online nutrition brand, known for having shipped over 15 million honest, and science-backed nutrition products to their loyal customers around the world. BioTRUST was started in 2011 by Joel Marion and Josh Bezoni, two best friends whose mission was to create a nutrition company that was authentic, honest, and always put quality and service first. Toward that end, BioTRUST…

  • Has independent labs test products to ensure potency and purity.
  • Ensures the quality of all products is verified by a certificate of analysis.
  • Works only with top-tier manufacturers.
  • Takes enormous pride in providing customers with world-class customer service and a 5-star customer experience.
  • Cares about community, too. To date, BioTRUST has helped provide over 5.6 million meals* to hungry kids through our partnership with the nonprofit® and we've helped grant over 220 wishes for kids with life-threatening medical conditions through our partnership with Make-A-Wish®.

5-Star Customer Reviews


"I noticed a difference overnight with Ageless Body. I wake up feeling so much more refreshed and energized, and I haven't experienced this much joint comfort since I don't know when!"

Paul S. - Verified Purchaser


"I have to say, I was skeptical at first. Now, I'm on my second bottle of Ageless Body, and I have noticed real changes in my skin texture!"

Patty J. - Verified Purchaser


"I love Ageless Body the curcumin is magic! I found that it reduced my joint discomfort."

Stephanie L. - Verified Purchaser



"I was looking for an Ashwagandha supplement to help combat stress, and Ageless Body changed my world. I can tell you that sleep is easier for me now. Plus, my skin feels so soft! Ageless Body is my secret weapon"

Tammy K. - Verified Purchaser


"I can confirm that my mood is so much more buoyant and… people tell me that I look really well! I do feel Ageless Body has really given me an added boost."

Pam - Verified Purchaser


"I have a very physically demanding job, and let me tell you, doubling up on Ageless Body has made a world of difference. My stamina has never been better and my recovery has never been faster. This is a staple for me."

Ernie G.- Verified Purchaser

Tim Skwiat, MEd., CSCS, Pn2

MEd., CSCS, Pn2

Tim is a Precision Nutrition Level 2 Certified Nutrition Coach and a NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. He completed his undergraduate degree in Movement & Sports Science at Purdue University, and he earned his Master’s degree in Sports Science & Nutrition from the University of Texas at Austin, where he also worked as a Strength and Conditioning Coach under the tutelage of world-renowned basketball strength coach Todd Wright for 10 years. With 20+ years of health and wellness experience, Tim is a published author of over a dozen evidence-based eBooks delving into the nitty gritty of nutrition for overall health, body composition, cognitive function, joint health, hormonal health, sexual performance, healthy aging, and more.

Ageless Body

Very Special Introductory Offer Today - Up to 43% OFF!

BioTRUST's Ageless Body is one of the world's most expensive turmeric supplements because, as you've seen, it's a true powerhouse when it comes to absorption and purity, and all the benefits that come with that. PLUS, it provides you four additional top ingredients to look and feel your best.

However, right now you can get yours here for as low as $39 per bottle with our best money-saving package! That's an amazing savings of up to 43% OFF, and we guarantee it's the lowest price anywhere.

PLUS 3 Free Bonuses Worth Over $50!

Free Shipping


Enjoy free U.S. ground shipping straight to your door (or special discounted international shipping). You can track the status of your order any time (you will receive tracking information once your order ships).

Free Coaching

2. FREE VIP Live Health and Fitness Coaching for Life 

You'll get live, personalized coaching from BioTRUST's team of expert nutrition and health coaches, as well as instant access to our inspiring, supportive community of people with goals like yours – free for life!

Top 10 Ways to Reduce Your Body Age

3. FREE New eReport, Top 10 Best Ways to Reduce Your Body Age

In this brand-new, must-read report you'll get instantly, you'll discover 10 more easy and powerful ways to quickly boost how young your body looks and feels.

60-Day Money Back Guarantee

With BioTRUST, you're always protected by the 60-Day Total Satisfaction Guarantee. If for any reason at all you are unsatisfied with your purchase, just send it back to us for a fast and friendly refund of the full purchase price – even on empty bottles – up to 60 days after securing your order today.

60-Day Guarantee
feed a hungry child

You Save Big on Ageless Body Today, BioTRUST Helps Feed a Hungry Child

BioTRUST cares about our customers and community. For every Ageless Body order today, we help support programs that feed hungry children through our partnership with®. To date, BioTRUST has helped provide over 5.6 million meals* to hungry kids.

What's more, with the support of our customers, we've funded over 220 wishes for kids with life-threatening medical conditions through our partnership with Make-A-Wish®. Through our partnership with Pencils of Promise®, BioTRUST has helped build three schools for underprivileged children, and along with®, we've provided clean drinking water for hundreds of families in third-world countries. It's support from customers like you that allows us to give back. Thank you!

*No Kid Hungry® does not provide individual meals; donations help support programs that feed children. Learn more at

Order Your Ageless Body Now ↓ ↓ ↓

With Ageless Body, you're getting…

  • The age-defying power of CurcuWIN®, the highly bioavailable form of turmeric that provides up to 46 TIMES MORE curcumin absorption
  • Sensoril®, the bioactive extract of the "feel young" ingredient, Ashwagandha
  • Setria® glutathione, the attractive "youthful glow" ingredient
  • CoQ10, the all-star antioxidant and "youthful energy" powerhouse
  • The highly effective ANTI-old-looking-skin ingredient, magnesium ascorbate

What's more, Ageless Body is…

  • Non-GMO and meticulously screened for contaminants to ensure safety
  • Independently lab tested to ensure potency and purity
  • Backed by a 60-day total satisfaction guarantee – just return it for your money back.
  • Over 1 million bottles sold worldwide to enthusiastic customers who are committed to looking and feeling their amazing best like you

And when you order today:

  • We feed a hungry child through
  • You get 3 free bonuses worth $50 – including FREE U.S. Shipping
  • You get up to 43% OFF right now on this page only

Yes, Ageless Body really can work wonders… for your skin, energy, joints, brain, moods, and even your heart and immune system health.

And right now is the perfect time to try it, because today, only on this page, you're getting the rock-bottom introductory price on Ageless Body of up to 43% OFF – plus 3 FREE bonuses…

Ageless Body bottles

How Much Should I Order?

  • Each 60-count bottle of Ageless Body provides you a full 30 servings at 2 capsules per day. Many customers like to start with two servings per day to maximize initial benefits, and then after about a month, scale down to one serving per day. As such, most customers new to Ageless Body choose to save more by ordering 3 to 6 bottles.
  • Half of all customers order an extra bottle or two for their family, friends, or significant other – another reason to consider multiple bottles.
  • These are the guaranteed lowest prices you'll find anywhere on Ageless Body.
Ageless Body bottles
Ageless Body Buy 1 Ageless Body Buy 3 Ageless Body Buy 6
Ageless Body Buy 1 Ageless Body Buy 3 Ageless Body Buy 6


Q: How much should I buy today?

Ageless Body is truly a "Fountain of Youth" support formula that combines the age-defying power of CurcuWIN® – the highly bioavailable turmeric extract – with four other ingredients for premier healthy aging and cellular energy support. Many customers double down and take two servings daily, and customers often share Ageless Body with their family and friend. This product is great for men and women, and it makes a great gift for anyone who's looking to support vitality and healthy aging. It makes sense to stock up now, especially considering this is the lowest price on Ageless Body you'll find anywhere—lower than and our own website. With all that in mind, we highly recommend stocking up and saving more today with our 3- or 6-bottle options.

Q: What specifically makes Ageless Body the right choice?

For starters, Ageless Body features the one essential type of curcumin you need. CurcuWIN® is a premier turmeric extract that has been shown to result in greater absorption and longer-lasting action compared to standard curcumin and some other popular curcumin preparations… and that means opening the door to results. And unlike any other turmeric/curcumin supplement out there, Ageless Body also provides you with 4 additional ingredients – including Sensoril® (a clinically-tested form of the feel-good herb Ashwagandha), Setria® Glutathione (one of the body's most important antioxidant and detoxifying factors) and more – to support young-looking skin, youthful energy, a youthful body and a bright brain! And like all BioTRUST products, Ageless Body undergoes 3rd party lab testing to ensure purity, potency and safety.

Q: What are the ingredients and amounts used in the formula?

Ageless Body supplement facts

Q: What is the best way to use Ageless Body?

Simply take two (2) capsules once daily with a meal. For added energy and anti-aging support, take two (2) more capsules with another meal.

Q: How long will a bottle of Ageless Body last?

Each bottle contains 15 to 30 servings depending on how you use it.

Q: Does this product contain caffeine or any other stimulants?

No. This product is caffeine- and stimulant-free.

Q: Are there any allergy concerns with this product?

Ageless Body is manufactured in a facility that also processes milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat and soy. If you have any allergy concerns, please consult your health-care practitioner.

Q: If I have a medical condition, can I take this product?

Ageless Body is intended for use by healthy adults over 18 years old. Consult your physician before use if you are taking any prescription or over-the-counter medications or are being treated for any medical condition. If you experience any adverse reaction to this product, please consult your physician.

Q: What if this product doesn't work for me?

While Ageless Body was created to work, if for any reason at all you are unsatisfied with your purchase, just send it back to us – and we will issue a prompt and courteous refund of the full purchase price – even send back empty bottles. You're always protected by our naturally honest 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.

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Ageless Body Buy 1 Ageless Body Buy 3 Ageless Body Buy 6



  1. Aggarwal BB, Sung B. Pharmacological basis for the role of curcumin in chronic diseases: an age-old spice with modern targets. Trends Pharmacol Sci. 2009;30:85–94.
  2. Aggarwal BB, Sundaram C, Malani N, Ichikawa H. Curcumin: the Indian solid gold. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2007;595:1–75.
  3. Hewlings SJ, Kalman DS. Curcumin: A Review of Its’ Effects on Human Health. Foods [Internet]. 2017 [cited 2020 Jul 3];6. Available from:
  4. Jäger R, Lowery RP, Calvanese AV, Joy JM, Purpura M, Wilson JM. Comparative absorption of curcumin formulations. Nutr J. 2014;13:11.
  5. Jamwal R. Bioavailable curcumin formulations: A review of pharmacokinetic studies in healthy volunteers. J Integr Med. 2018;16:367–74.
  6. Oliver JM, Stoner L, Rowlands DS, Caldwell AR, Sanders E, Kreutzer A, et al. Novel Form of Curcumin Improves Endothelial Function in Young, Healthy Individuals: A Double-Blind Placebo Controlled Study. J Nutr Metab. 2016;2016:1–6.
  7. Jäger R, Caldwell AR, Sanders E, Mitchell JB, Rogers J, Purpura M, et al. Curcumin Reduces Muscle Damage and Soreness Following Muscle-Damaging Exercise. FASEB J. 2017;31:lb766–lb766.
  8. Richie JP, Nichenametla S, Neidig W, Calcagnotto A, Haley JS, Schell TD, et al. Randomized controlled trial of oral glutathione supplementation on body stores of glutathione. Eur J Nutr. 2015;54:251–63.
  9. Payne BAI, Chinnery PF. Mitochondrial dysfunction in aging: Much progress but many unresolved questions. Biochim Biophys Acta BBA - Bioenerg. 2015;1847:1347–53.